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There are currently no way in technology to help students practice their writing in real time. There are some technology apps to assist in practicing their letter formation outside of assignments OR text to speech apps to scribe, but there no solutions for both. There are also non-technology ways that require the teacher's one-on-one attention with a student such as writing their idea in yellow and having them trace it.


Scribe Right is the first technology tool the independently allows students to improve their printing while doing their regular class activities such as journals, letter writing, spelling and other language based activities. 


Practicing using dotted lines is a strategy to help improve fine motor skills before assignments. During assignments such as journals, teacher can adapt for student's with low fine motor skills by writing the student's ideas in yellow and having students trace over it. This requires a teacher to have one on one time with a student.



Apps such as Dexteria, Letterschool, Itrace, Writing Wizard help guide students with the use of technology to practice letter formation. However, there is no app that scribes the student's ideas in real time and creates traceable guides.


Dragon is a text to speech app. It allows students to express themselves in words without writing. However, this app does not address and improve the root of the problem of fine motor skills.

SketchAR is an AR app that is compatible with Hololens and other devices. SketchAR is not intended to increase printing and is an art app focused on drawing and creating pictures. SketchAR shares the same technology principles as Scribe Right.

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